We caught the gardening bug this spring. We're planting strawberries all along the back wall of our house. This pretty Dark Pink climbing plant in the corner is Bougainvillea. I love how tropical it looks. It grows best in humid climates, but we'll see if we can keep it alive in the shade of our Mulberry tree in the desert.

These are the strawberry plants we transplanted from another garden. We've been keeping them alive in water for the past week while we've been preparing our yard for them and they still look pretty good! Here's a tip from my gardening guru neighbor, Kayleen: When transplanting strawberry plants,you have to take off all the berries after you move them so the plant will concentrate on making roots in their new home. Who knew?

This flower bed beneath the faucet has been in my dreams all winter to make into a blossoming little oasis. It was full of weeds when we moved in. Now its ready to be planted.

And here it is! The finished product. I love it's rustic look. Don't you think Javi did a good job? I love my hard working husband.

This is another flower bed we made around the new little Mulberry tree in our backyard. It's a little wider in diameter than I would've liked, but I love the river stones we picked out of the Santa Clara River to use as the border. We'll use the same river rocks to border our new strawberry beds. So what do you think of our spring gardening projects so far? I have so many, many more to show you! Come back and check them out.
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